
DOUG MACCASH, THE NEW ORLEANS ADVOCATE It’s just a joke, of course. Anonymous smart alecks have taken to social media to announce that an 8-foot-tall traffic cone plans to run for mayor of New Orleans in the upcoming election. The faux campaign combines the Crescent City’s insatiable craving for comedy with the population’s simmering frustration...
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JOHN R. STANTON, GAMBIT WEEKLY In a move that has sent shock waves through the city’s political and smart-assed cynic classes alike, Giant Cone on Tuesday announced it is throwing their … well, its flexible, orange polyvinyl chloride self into the 2021 New Orleans mayoral race. With the qualifying deadline just a few days away,...
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MYKAL VINCENT, FOX 8 WVUE-TV The legacy of the giant traffic cone in New Orleans continues. Once nothing more than a massive marker for a massive pothole, a king amongst lesser cones, the Giant Cone garnered a cult following and has now launched a website announcing its candidacy for New Orleans Mayor…
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Giant Cone for Mayor of New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS — Lookout, New Orleans. The upcoming mayoral election is taking a detour from the status quo. In a street-breaking move it promises to quickly fix, Giant Cone, an icon known in the Crescent City for its extensive community service, is launching a bid to become the next mayor of New Orleans. “It’s time someone took...
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